
Showing posts from August, 2022
 On the Road Again - Day 2.  August 29, 2022 It was one of those two women and an RV on the Road days - at least in the morning. Lesson One learned today:  We had a near-perfect hook-up.  We came THAT close, as Linda said, and then sh_t happened.  Literally!  Just a little glitch when we hooked up - like taking the end caps off of the sewage hose.  Linda had no trouble hooking up, but when she went to take off the sewage hose,  . . . ICK!  Spewing black water.  She closed the valve quickly only to find she had left the end caps in the hose.  A little spillage near the RV.  RV host was not real happy with us, but did disinfect the site, after washing it off. Gloves on - Unhooking - prior to spillage!  All seemed to be going well. Cleaning out the yuck. Lesson Two today:  We also had difficulty in disconnecting the water hose from the RV.  We both tried and tried.  We couldn't budge the hook-up.  I even got tools out!  Wrench and channel locks!  Still couldn't budge the black

We're on our way

August 28, 2022 On the road again with my best friend, Linda, on her RV - the Teacher's Lounge. Uneventful drive from Grayslake to Apple Valley, MN.   Nice Campground.  Linda got us all hooked up without any major issues.  I walked Corky; he got 5 big burrs in his tail.  I pulled out as much as I could.  Linda cut out the rest.  Let's just say his tail isn't as bushy! Tonia Baxter, as friend of Linda's joined us for an RV dinner. Linda did dishes; I walked Corky on a beautiful evening.